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Kleinon SRL

Kleinon is a small company providing tailored education support and digitalization services for a wide range of education and training institutions and organizations, as well as to actors, from the business sector. Its staff is involved in a variety of projects aiming to support our beneficiaries implement innovative strategies and digitalization.
The Kleinon multi-skilled team (permanent staff and collaborators network) is formed of IT specialists, teachers of different subjects, researchers, psychologists, young volunteers, and PMs.
We collaborate with a wide range of actors from various field of activities, from SMEs, education providers (schools, VET providers, non-formal education organization providers, and universities), social actors and we provide solutions for strategic development, design and implementation of innovative digital tools, e-learning & innovative teaching/ learning development, and project management.
Established in 2008 a rural area in NE Romania, Kleinon is able to bring together people and knowledge from the field of education and from the business sector. We are in touch with the realities of both worlds: the education system, which, especially in Romania is often in the situation of operating with limited resources, and with business – which is more performance-oriented. This is allowing us to use our know how along with the digital, research, intercultural and PM skills of our team and to identify the best solutions and opportunities for our customers and beneficiaries.
Our organization is performance oriented, but we also know that effectiveness, flexibility and rapid improvements are vital for nowadays dynamic society.
Kleinon is working in partnership with VET organizations in its regions and with a wide range of local authorities and employment agencies. It is a member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and for 3 years in a row (2017/2018/2019) Kleinon has been awarded 1st Prize in top education support companies in Neamt county. It is also ISO 9001 quality management certified and a member of SKILLMAN Network.


