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Digital Skills for rural woman entrepreneurship. Bridging the digital divide.
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ICT tools for entrepreneurship

The basics. Introduction.Click to read

Information and Communication Technology tools are an important part of today's businesses. That is why in this unit we will see how to transfer its benefits to entrepreneurial activity.

It is important that, as a preliminary step to entrepreneurship, a business plan, and even a marketing plan, is drawn up to address all the important issues that will enhance the success of the business. Therefore, in the related material section you will find information on how to develop your own business plan and more.

Don't forget to check out the "related material" section to learn more about entrepreneurship and ICT tools!

Corporate image & tools. How do you show yourself to your customers?Click to read

The corporate image is mainly reflected through your company logo, so it is necessary that your logo shows what you want your customers to see of your company.

Your logo must be unique, it must be related to your business activity, and it must also be aesthetically pleasing. Let's look at an example:

Imagine you have a business that rents out rural holiday homes, called "Ruraland", which logo would be most appropriate?

This logo shows what the company is about (rural elements), is legible, pleasing to the eye, and takes care of the correct spelling.

However, this one neglects spelling, the typography is difficult to read, and it is impossible to intuit what the company wants to sell.

The logo should be included in everything that can identify the company: social media, web page, packaging...


What tools can you use to design your corporate image?

Allows you to design your own logo from hundreds of templates. https://www.canva.com/

Choose your company's sector, name, typography and style, and it automatically creates a logo of your choice. https://www.logomaker.com/es/

Automatically creates the logo based on the company name and activity. https://looka.com/logo-maker/

Create a logo from the company name, sector, visual style and keywords. https://es.wix.com/logo/maker

Project management tools. How to organise my workload?Click to read

Organising work is vital for the proper functioning of a company, as it allows you to know what needs to be done at any given moment. Below are project management and organisation tools that will allow you to keep everything under control in a synchronised way on your computer and on your smartphone or tablet:

Allows meetings and events to be scheduled and reminders to be received in a simple way. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/

It works with cards, and allows you to include notes, files, deadlines and other items. https://trello.com/

Allows you to store notes, calendars and tasks of all types. https://evernote.com/

Communication tools. The coordination with others.Click to read

Communication covers two areas: internally, with the company's employees; and externally, with customers. Therefore, tools for communication and coordination with others are shown below:

Whatsapp Business. It works in a similar way to Whatsapp, but allows you to automate, organise and answer customer messages, as well as create a business profile with contact details. https://business.whatsapp.com/

Social networks. Such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn... You should consider your audience when choosing social networks.

Slack. It integrates with other tools and simplifies team communication. https://slack.com/

Skype. Enables video calls and instant chatting. https://www.skype.com/

E-commerce. Basic tools for selling online.Click to read

E-commerce is the practice of buying and selling products over the Internet. This can be done in different ways: you can create your own online shop, by hiring a company to design it, or you can use other platforms to create your shop, as well as using a marketplace.

Here are some examples of tools you could use:

Open source platform to create and develop an e-commerce shop for businesses. https://www.prestashop.com/

If you have a website created with WordPress, you will be able to implement an online shop thanks to this plugin. https://woocommerce.com/

E-commerce platform that allows you to create your own online shop. https://www.shopify.com/

Remember to research the types of shipments you can make! 


The basics. Introduction.Click to read

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems and sensitive information from digital attacks. Cybersecurity applies to many domains: infrastructures, networks, applications, cloud, information, storage…

This is a practice that is today essential both at user and business level, as there are numerous risks that can compromise confidential information, such as credit cards, identification, etc.

Below you will learn about the most common risks when surfing the Internet, learn how to create a strong password, and find several recommendations for keeping your digital devices and information safe.

Don't forget to check out the "related material" section to learn more about cybersecurity!

Cybersecurity risks. What do you face when surfing the Internet?Click to read

When surfing the Internet, it is common to be exposed to risks that can compromise the security of your information and devices. Among the most common threats that you are most likely to face when surfing the Internet are:

Phishing Malware Ransomware

Social engineering scam. It consists of impersonating another person or organisation via email, so that the user performs some action on a fraudulent page.

Malicious software that can perform actions such as deleting sensitive data or altering the basic functions of the device.

A type of malware that encrypts files on the hard drive and restricts access, requiring the user to pay a ransom in exchange for decrypting or unlocking the data.

It is important to use anti-malware on your devices to protect them!

However, there are more threats that you can research if you have an interest in cyber security:

  • Smishing / vishing
  • Web-based attacks
  • Trojan
  • Computer virus
  • Computer worm
  • Spyware
  • Adware
  • DDoS attacks


Passwords. Create a strong password.Click to read

Passwords are used to protect your personal information, emails, files, important documents, accounts, etc., so it is important that they are strong. They must consist of a combination of letters, numbers and symbols (accents cannot be included), following the recommendations below:

  • Use a unique password, do not reuse old passwords. If one password is leaked, you will expose all accounts using the same password.
  • Your password should be long, but easy to remember. It is advisable to use at least 12 characters. Perhaps a song lyric, a quote from a movie, or words you can easily remember.
  • Don't use passwords that include personal information, such as your name, birthday or address, as anyone could try to guess it.

Some examples of passwords that you should NOT use: password; qwerty; 1234...

You can check if your passwords are secure by using tools such as the one you will find at this link: https://password.kaspersky.com/

In addition, there are tools to manage your passwords conveniently and securely, such as Google's password manager: https://passwords.google.com/

This type of tool allows you to store passwords and create new ones randomly, and you can access them by remembering only your password for the password manager.

Recommendations.Click to read

Below you will find a series of cybersecurity tips and recommendations:

  • Don't leave your passwords written down in visible places, such as post-its, and don't post them on the Internet.
  • Don't click on links from unreliable sources, such as spam emails or websites without a security certificate.
  • As far as possible, avoid connecting to open wifi networks, such as those in cafes or museums.
  • Don't shop online on unreliable websites; check the reviews you can find first, ask your friends and relatives if they have bought from the same online shop...

 Be wary of anything suspicious you see on the Internet!

Problem solving

The basics. Introduction.Click to read

Being decisive is a much-needed quality these days, especially when it comes to computers and digital devices. What happens when the computer won't turn on? Or when you can't hear calls on the phone? You call a service technician? Or maybe try to fix it yourself first?

This unit will explore the most common problems and their possible solutions, and provide the tools needed to conduct effective Internet searches that can help solve certain problems.

Don't forget to check out the "related material" section to learn more about problem solving!

Common problems and how to solve them.Click to read

The following is a list of the most common problems when operating a computer, and possible solutions:

Mouse or keyboard does not work

If the peripherals do not work:

  • Check that they are properly connected to the computer. If they are wireless, check that they have charge/batteries.
  • Disconnect and reconnect them.
  • Check that the drivers are updated.

The computer won't turn on

If the computer does not show any sign of life when you press the power button, try the following:

  • If it is a laptop, check that the charger is working and plugged into the power socket (usually a light appears to indicate that it is charging). If not, it may be time to replace the charger.
  • If it is a desktop computer, check that the power supply is properly connected to the PC tower, and that the power socket is working (you can try plugging in your mobile phone charger).

The screen in black

If the computer is on but the screen is black, try this:

  • Check that the monitor is properly connected to the power supply and that it is switched on.
  • Check that the connection to the computer is OK. You can unplug it and plug it in again.
  • Check that the cables behind the monitor are securely fastened.

Internet is not working

If your Internet connection is not working, try:

  • Click on your computer's network icon in the taskbar, and pay attention to what appears. That may be a clue.
  • If the connection is not listed, it may be a problem with the router. Try switching it off and on again. If it doesn't work, it may be a problem with your network operator.
  • Try connecting to the network from your smartphone to see if it is a computer or network problem.

Sometimes simply restarting devices is a simple and effective solution!

How to search effectively on the Internet.Click to read

Maybe one day you have a problem that you don't know how to solve, but it can be easily solved if you have the information you need. Therefore, here are some tips and tricks to search effectively on Google:

  • Use “inverted commas” to find exactly the words or phrases you want: "upgrade Windows"
  • Exclude search terms by using the - symbol before the word: "upgrade Windows" -Linux
  • Search on a specific website using site:, for example: "multifunctional role of women" site:moreproject.eu
  • Use filetype: to find a particular file type: "computer problems" filetype:pdf

Remember to use keywords for your searches!

You can also filter the results by language and date using Google's tools.

Each search engine has its own characteristics, and if Google doesn't suit you, you can look for an alternative search engine that suits you better, such as Bing or Yahoo.



Summing up

Summing upClick to read

ICT tools
ICT tools allow you to perform various functions digitally, such as project management, organisation, communication and e-commerce.


Safe surfing is of vital importance today, as well as having secure passwords that protect your information from potential cyber-criminals.


Problem solving
An essential quality is to be able to solve problems and the Internet provides us with a very valuable tool for this: knowledge, and we have to know how to find it.

Test Yourself
TestClick to start

Legal description – Creative Commons licensing: The materials published on the MORE project website are classified as Open Educational Resources' (OER) and can be freely (without permission of their creators): downloaded, used, reused, copied, adapted, and shared by users, with information about the source of their origin.


entrepreneurship, ICT tools, corporate image, cybersecurity, problem solving


At the end of this module you will be able to:

  1. Know the main ICT tools for entrepreneurship.
  2. Have the necessary skills to start selling products or services through e-commerce.
  3. Navigate the Internet safely.
  4. Solve the most common problems you may face when using digital devices.


Digital skills are an essential qualification for entrepreneurship. For this reason, this module takes a look at the most basic ICT tools that will allow you to manage your Internet presence, as well as to navigate safely. Additionally, you will be introduced to possible solutions for the most common problems you may face while operating a computer, and you will learn how to find solutions to your problems independently, and finding your own resources, according to your needs.

Related Materials:

Unit 1 – ICT tools for entrepreneurship

Write a business plan. https://www.gov.uk/write-business-plan

How to Write a Marketing Plan: A Comprehensive Guide [w/ Templates]. https://vtldesign.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-strategy/how-to-write-marketing-plan-template/

What is corporate image and why is it important for your company. https://trazada.com/en/what-is-corporate-image-and-why-is-it-important-for-your-company/

13 Work Organization Tools To Improve Your Productivity (2021). https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/work-organization-tools

The 10 Most Essential Digital Communication Channels for Business (2022). https://gettalkative.com/info/communication-channels

How to Start an Ecommerce Business: Build an Ecommerce Store (2022). https://www.shopify.com/blog/ecommerce-business-blueprint


Unit 2 – Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity: main and emerging threats in 2021 (infographic) (2022). https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20220120STO21428/cybersecurity-main-and-emerging-threats-in-2021-infographic

How to create a strong password (2018). https://blog.avast.com/strong-password-ideas

Check your password. https://password.kaspersky.com/

Google Password Manager. https://passwords.google.com/

10 Personal Cyber Security Tips. https://cipher.com/blog/10-personal-cyber-security-tips-cyberaware/


Unit 3 – Problem solving

Top 10 Most Common Computer Problems. https://answers.mak.ac.ug/computer-hardware/top-10-most-common-computer-problems

10 Tips and Tricks to Use Google Search More Effectively (2021). https://www.makeuseof.com/tips-tricks-to-use-google-search-effectively/

13 Google Alternatives: Best Search Engines to Use In 2022 (2021). https://fossbytes.com/google-alternative-best-search-engine/


Cardona, L. (2021). ¿Qué es un ecommerce? Tipos, cómo crearlo y ejemplos. https://www.cyberclick.es/numerical-blog/que-es-un-ecommerce-tipos-como-crearlo-y-ejemplos

Warnimont, J. (2022). Las 20+ mejores plataformas de comercio electrónico gratuito y de código abierto para 2022. https://ecommerce-platforms.com/es/articles/open-source-ecommerce-platforms

Martín, A. H. (2019). 10 trucos para hacer búsquedas efectivas en Google. http://educazonia.com/2019/03/19/busquedas-efectivas-en-google/

Google (2022). Create a strong password & a more secure account. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32040?hl=en#zippy=%2Cusa-una-contrase%C3%B1a-%C3%BAnica%2Cevita-usar-datos-personales-y-palabras-comunes%2Cusa-una-contrase%C3%B1a-larga-y-f%C3%A1cil-de-recordar%2Cgestiona-las-contrase%C3%B1as-con-una-herramienta%2Coculta-las-contrase%C3%B1as-escritas

Zarate, D. (2022). Las 24 mejores apps de agenda y calendario para 2022. https://blog.hubspot.es/sales/apps-calendario

IBM (2022). Cybersecurity. https://www.ibm.com/topics/cybersecurity

Makerere University (2021). Top 10 Most Common Computer Problems. https://answers.mak.ac.ug/computer-hardware/top-10-most-common-computer-problems

Vodafone (2022). Imagen corporativa: herramientas y consejos para crear el logo perfecto para tu empresa. https://ideasparatuempresa.vodafone.es/imagen-corporativa-herramientas-y-consejos-para-crear-el-logo-perfecto-para-tu-empresa/

